Meniere’s disease is the most commonly known inner ear disorder that causes dizziness and hearing loss, but many other inner-ear conditions can cause similar symptoms.

These include:

  • Labyrinthitis
  • Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
  • Vestibular neuritis – similar to labyrinthitis but without hearing loss
  • Vestibular hypofunction - the reduced function of one or both inner ears

Medical conditions not related to the inner ear can also either cause or contribute to dizziness.

These include:

  • Changes in eyesight or poor eyesight
  • Arthritis in bones and joints
  • Reduced sensation in the feet and toes
  • Cervical spine disorders
  • Low blood pressure
  • Stroke or lack of blood flow to the brain
  • Vascular or other circulatory problems
  • Various cardiac conditions
  • Migraine headaches
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Neurological diseases such as multiple sclerosis, Chiari malformation, and damage from neurotoxic medications
  • Anxiety

Balance disorders are complex problems that require a multi-disciplinary team approach. This team may include a neurotologist, cardiologist, neurologist, primary care physician and vestibular therapist.