“BE FAST” is good advice if your day job, like mine, is returning kickoffs. But did you know it’s also an easy way to remember the symptoms of a stroke?

B stands for Balance. Have there been any sudden changes in balance that are unexplained?

E stands for Eyesight. Has the person experienced any sudden changes in vision?

F is for Face. Does the person’s face look uneven or does it feel numb?

A is for Arm. Is there weakness or numbness on one side?

S stands for Speech. Can they speak clearly and repeat a sentence back to you?

T is for Time. Every second counts. If you see these stroke symptoms happening to someone, call 9-1-1 immediately.

The good news is, 80 percent of strokes can be prevented. It all comes down to basic choices that all of us can make: eating healthy, getting regular exercise and not smoking.

And if you or someone in your family has a stroke, it';s important to know treatment and support are available.

Learn more about stroke care and treatment at Virginia Mason.