The Liver, Pancreas and Biliary Center of Excellence aims to provide patient centered, cost effective care of hepatopancreatobiliary (HPB) disease using the latest advances in research, techniques, and a multidisciplinary team approach.

Central to these efforts is the HPB team consisting of Scott Helton, MD, and Thomas Biehl, MD, who work closely with our providers in the Liver and Pancreatic Centers of Excellence.

Scott Helton, MD, director, Liver, Pancreatic, and Biliary Surgical Center of Excellence, performing a laparoscopic splenectomy.
Scott Helton, MD, Director, Liver, Pancreatic, and Biliary Surgical Center of Excellence, performing a laparoscopic splenectomy.

Virginia Mason is a high-volume hospital for the surgical treatment of pancreatic cancer and our team of experts has shown exemplary outcomes in pancreas cancer treatment, specifically in pancreatic resections. To learn more, please contact us at (206) 341-1595.

Liver, Pancreas and Biliary Disorders

Learn about organizations that offer resources and support for patients with these and other digestive diseases.